Season 2024 Team Photos are scheduled to commence next week on Tuesday 11th June concluding Friday 21st June, at the Clubhouse.
Coaches and Managers please ensure your team knows their time so they can arrive 15 mins before their allotted time to ensure we keep on time. Players are to be neat and tidy (socks up, laces tied and either shirts all the same in the one team i.e. all tucked in, or all left out)
Players will be asked to line up in alphabetical order (by first name) to have individual photos taken first. All players will be photographed in 2-3 poses.
The procedure for the photos is different this season with no photo envelopes needing to be completed.
All children will have individual photos taken regardless of their intention to purchase (they will be identified/labelled by the photographer as they step forward to have their photo taken).
Individual photos will aim to offer parents 2-3 poses, depending on the age group and their capacity.
Group photos will be taken as normal but with an improved identification process as to their position in that photo.
Sibling photos can be taken at any time but preferably within one of the players scheduled time. The parent or team manager just needs to make themselves known to staff on the day.
Photos be ready to purchase online within 4-weeks of the last photo day with the club,
When photos are ready, parents are emailed their child’s unique access code.
Ordering is only available online through a secure system protecting data via encryption, with preview photos.
A variety of options including set packages, build-your-own packages, or individual prints to suit all budgets will be available. Prices starting from $12.
New product lines such as trading cards, magnets, keyrings, and calendars will be available this year.
Digital image packages for individual and sibling photos will allow your choice of background graphics such as stadium, outdoor and indoor.